On March 15, 2016, many social workers across the globe celebrated World Social Work Day with the theme of ‘Societies thrives when the Dignity and Rights of all People are respected’ which is the second goal of the Global Agenda 2012 to 2016 set by the International Federation of Social Workers, International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Council on Social Welfare. The Social Work day acknowledges the work around the world performed by the social workers in course of working towards human rights, social justice and other important social agendas. The theme for this year’s social work not only apply for the social workers but for all the institutions working for the rights of people as be it a social workers, development practitioner, academicians all around the globe they all are working with individuals, families, communities, societies, governments and whole of society to reach at a state where there is socially just and environmentally sustainable world where people’s rights are respected and they live with dignity.ifsw_85303-6

A scenario very common to us, where the service providers delivers services in the community without or with less consultation of the receiver (beneficiaries). In response to the question of the beneficiaries for their involvement the only answer given is ‘beggars are not choosers’ and this someway quiets the beneficiaries. Now, here arises the question of dignity and rights of people if are respected in such cases? Of course not!  The above mentioned scenario is just amongst the many other cases, happening in the name of helping people. Even the involvement of social workers in such process, doesn’t differ the situation at least in regard to the present context of Nepal. The prime motto of social work practitioners is to assure that they ‘help people to help themselves’, so the concern is how far we (social workers) are committed with the motto. There are so many binding principle that social workers need to adopt while working for/with people.

This year’s theme rightly advocates the need of deconstructing how social work is being done, how development works are practiced and how the rights of people are respected making them feel dignified. We (social work graduates and students), really need to advocate for the concern and change the commercial business done in the name of helping people. So far, the people are treated like subjects and often considered as means of many social experiments.  Therefore, it is necessary to take a step to modify the existing way of helping and working with people.

So the question arises in regard to assuring the dignity and rights of people? The answer we see is the strong realization on impact of respecting people’s right and dignity would automatically solve the problem. However, having said that, again this is not an overnight process and it needs strong schooling which will make the upcoming social workers prepared. Similarly, need of academically trained social worker in various field is seen however, the appointment of social worker is not seen widely. Very few NGOs have appointed social worker defining their role as social worker. The cooperative intervention mechanism, participatory approach after capacitating primary stakeholders, working in creating enabling environment, mediating resources with needy one,  working to enhance resiliency are some of the approaches which will definitely create a scenario where Societies thrives when the Dignity and Rights of all People are respected.

While saying so, still there is lack of recognition of social workers in Nepal by various institutions which includes government too. I would not say this is other’s fault that social workers are not recognized, it is to large extent the limitations from social work graduates in lobbying and making it heard in mainstream.  Likewise, the institutes who are providing social work education should try to link themselves with other international social work institutes and councils who are constantly working to recognize social work profession.

नमिठो अनुभव

आज पासपोर्ट बनाउने क्रममा पैसा तिर्दै थिएँ। अर्को टेबलमा एकजना साथी (मेरै उमेर जस्तो लग्यो), उनि पनि आफ्नो फारम सहित उभिएका थिए, उनलाई एकजना सरकारी कर्मचारीले त्यो सिफारिस भरेको कागजमा हस्ताक्षर गर्नु भनि कराउंदै थिए, तर ति युवाक डराए अनि केहि बोल्न सकी रहेका थिएनन्, यति सम्म कि उनलाई आफ्नो बुवा आमाको नाम पनि भन्न सकेका थिएनन्। बिडम्बना, उनि मधेसी मुलका नेपाली नागरिक थिए अनि के चाहियो ति कर्मचारीले बोर्डर पारीबाट आएको सम्म भन्न भ्याए र काठमान्डूमा मधेश आन्दोलनले गर्दा धेरै दुख पाइयो भन्दै उनलाई सुनाउँदै थिए, ति साथी केहि नबोली सुनेर बसेका थिए।

पछि यसो उनको फारम हेरेको हस्ताक्षर गर्ने ठाउँमा X (cross) गरेका रहेछन् अनि थाहा भयो उनि पढ लेख गर्न जान्दैनन् भनेर।  अनि ति सरकारी अधिकृतलाइ इसारा गरेर उनको समस्या बारे अबगत गराएम त्यहाँ भएका केहि व्यक्तिहरुले, अनि ति कर्मचारी आफ्नो गल्ति स्वीकार्नुको सट्टा उल्टो ति व्यक्तिलाइ पहिलेनै भन्नु पर्दैन भनि प्रक्रिया अगाडी बढाए। सायद यो घटनालाइ सामान्य रुपमा लिएर बिर्सिदा हुन्छ तर के त्यो युबकले बिर्सेला, राज्यको कर्मचारीबाट भएको व्यहार अनि उनले भोगेको असजिलोपनले पक्कै पनि उनलाई राम्रो सम्झना दिने छैन।

यसको आशय सबै सरकारी कर्मचारी यस्तै हुन्छन भन्ने होइन, तर धेरै हदसम्म सरकारी कर्मचारीको दुर्व्यहार, नमिठो बोलीको सामना, गालि, रिसको झोकमा हामी जनता पर्नु परेको हुन्छ।  कहिले सम्म? के सरकारी कर्मचारीले सहयोग गर्नु साटो यस्तै गर्ने हो, सहज बातावरण सिर्जना गर्नु पर्ने हैन र? जबसम्म सरकारी कर्मचारीले उनीहरु जनताको सेवक हो हामी भन्ने कुरा आत्मसाथ गर्दैनन् तबसम्म धेरै जनालाइ राज्य भन्यो कि रिस उठ्छ।

यति भन्दा भन्दै, अहिले राहदानी बनाउने प्रक्रिया निकै द्रुत र प्रभावकारी भएको छ, काम छिटो सकिन्छ र सरल छ।  लेख पढ गर्न जान्ने मान्छेले बिना दलाल काम सम्पन्न गर्न सक्छन, यसको लागि सरकारी संयन्त्रलाइ बधाई पनि भन्न चाहन्छु, यसरी नि प्रभावकारी काम गर्दै र केहि व्यवहारिक पक्षलाइ ध्यान दिए सरकार जनताको साथीको रुपमा आउने छ।